Electrifying Kenya

Powering Kenya’s Transport Future

Matatus are the heart of Kenya’s transport ecosystem. But as Kenya’s cities continue to grow, diesel-powered matatus pose a growing challenge. Rising fuel prices, toxic air pollution, and the reality of climate change demand a new vision for public transport. BasiGo Electric Buses are creating that vision.

Our state-of-the-art, 100% Electric buses are designed for Kenya, built in Kenya, and powered by Kenya’s abundant renewable energy. BasiGo Electric Buses give owners freedom from rising fuel prices and better reliability. For passengers, BasiGo E-Buses offer a radically new bus experience, one that is quiet, connected, and clean.

BasiGo is powering a new future for public transport in Kenya, one that is more comfortable for passengers, more profitable for bus owners, and cleaner for the planet.

Our Partners

Bus Operators

Operating Partners

Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers

Financing Partners

Designed for Kenya.
Built in Kenya.

Charging where you need it.

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electric ride


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